Hotaka Machida
Visiting Senior Research Fellow
MACHIDA Hotaka is a visiting senior research fellow in Institute of Geoeconomics at International House of Japan. He joined the Institute in October, 2022. Prior to leaving his role in government, he served as a career diplomat in Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs from 2001 to 2022, focusing on Japan-China relations. He studied at Nanjing University in China and Harvard University in the United States, followed by working at Embassy of Japan in China as second secretary from 2006-2008. After that, he was posted in China-Mongolia division in the Ministry and completed the negotiations with China over the issues of launching the “High-Level Consultation on Maritime Affairs” as well as finalizing the “Maritime Search and Rescue (SAR)” agreement. He also worked in Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) division in the North America Bureau in the Ministry leading the negotiations with the US on SOFA-related issues. He was counsellor in the Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations (2017-2020) and Embassy of Japan in China (2020-2022) covering the Security Council reform and Japan-China economic relations respectively.
He holds a M.A from the Graduate School of Arts and Science at Harvard University, and a Bachelor from Law Faculty at Tokyo University.
China's foreign policy / Japan-China relations / the United Nations
Will Japan and China’s relations continue to stagnate?(Geoeconomic Briefing)
Hotaka Machida
Xi Jinping’s government has begun its charm offens…
‘Offensive’ and ‘defensive’ diplomacy: Managing ties with China (Geoeconomic Briefing)
Hotaka Machida
A year has passed since Chinese President Xi Jinpi…
The future lies in helping to make China a responsible superpower (Geoeconomic Briefing)
Hotaka Machida
At the Group of Seven leaders summit held in Hiros…
Finding a way to manage China’s protectionism in procurement (Geoeconomic Briefing)
Hotaka Machida
As a previous article in this series by Naoko Eto …