
To contribute to building a free, open, and sustainable future through intellectual dialogue, policy research, and cultural exchange with a diverse world.

Main program areas
1) International relations, regional studies and geopolitics
2) Social systems, governance and innovation
3) Civilization studies and philosophy
4) Art and design

As a leading intellectual hub of the Asia Pacific region, I-House has two major characteristics.
The first is the breadth of its programming: from intellectual dialogue to policy research and cultural exchange. As geopolitical tensions rise, policy research becomes pertinent, but so do intellectual dialogue and cultural exchange to keep fragile ties connected.
The second is the pursuit of programmatic impact through our historic architecture and garden where international dignitaries can be convened, as well as the formation of a membership club which acts as a community of leaders who adhere to our mission.

Managing Director・API President

Ken Jimbo



Geoeconomics will have a profound impact on global corporations beyond national borders. Cutting-edge research and a community of leading thinkers and practitioners will be created in this new arena of security at the intersection of international economics and geopolitical strategy.


We seek to contribute to innovation essential in solving the world’s problems and in creating a free, open and sustainable future.


Through conversations with leading thinkers who are changing the world, we will actively introduce ideas and initiatives that will illuminate the future of an uncertain world.

Art & Design

We explore how art, design, architecture and gardens can contribute to solving the various issues facing contemporary society.


In order to make a broader contribution to society in response to changes in international affairs, approximately 25 experts in the fields of international relations, geopolitics, area studies, social systems, governance, and innovation, who conduct research and make recommendations, engage in intellectual dialogue with Japanese and overseas experts and promote human resource development, are registered as researchers at I-House.

International House of Japan

Asia Pacific Initiative