E-News Registration

Monthly I-House E-news will be sent to I-House members and individuals whose e-mail addresses are registered with us.

    • Name

    • E-mail address


      Due to specifications of the email distribution service, our e-news can not be delivered to email addresses which include the following:

      • - more than four consecutive identical letters, numbers or characters

      • - more than two consecutive specific strings of characters

      • - a string of letters and numbers such as abcdefg or 0123456

      • - a format which violates the international protocol for email addresses (RFC)

      We would appreciate it if you would kindly avoid registering such an email address.

    • Membership number

      (if you are a member)

    • Age

    • Gender

    • Occupation

    • Please check items of interest.

      (multiple choice allowed)

    • Privacy Policy


    International House of Japan

    Asia Pacific Initiative