For U.S. Residents

For U.S. Residents

For nearly 40 years, the American Friends of International House of Japan, Inc. (hereinafter called “AFIHJ”) has fostered deep intellectual, diplomatic, and business ties between the U.S. and Japan by amplifying the mission and partnering with the International House of Japan. Your gifts to the I-House through the AFIHJ, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization headquartered in New York are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

AFIHJ aims to assist the I-House to:
Foster new Next Generation Fellowship Programs
Build Community Among Members in North America
Enhance and Amplify IHJ Programs and Develop Strategic Partnerships

To support AFIHJ’s work of engaging the next generation of Americans in the I-House, building community among members, and enhancing I-House programs, please donate to our general fund via the links below.

To make a donation through AFIHJ.

American Friends of the International House of Japan (AFIHJ)

The American Friends of the International House of Japan (AFIHJ) promotes international good will and understanding by encouraging and fostering active relationships among scholars, educators, scientists, business people and other persons from Japan, the United States, and other nations, as well as educational and other institutions. For these purposes, the Corporation shall have the power and responsibility to solicit, receive and allocate contributions to any organization organized and operated exclusively for charitable or educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)3of the IRS Code, including but not limited to contributions to or for the benefit of The International House of Japan, Inc.

For further information, please contact AFIHJ:

Email: (please replace # with @)

International House of Japan

Asia Pacific Initiative