Bequests to I-House
If you are kindly considering making a bequest, please let us know your thoughts and wishes.
For example…
• I wish there was a program like …..
• I want I-House to invite such-and-such a person from Japan and abroad
• I want to preserve this Japanese modernist architecture for future generations
• I wish to preserve the House garden designed by the seventh-generation famed Kyoto landscape artist Ogawa Jihei
For your reference, there are two ways to make a bequest by will.
Comprehensive Bequest
This decides the proportion of inheritance to be donated. It is possible to accommodate this even if the property composition of the estate changes after the will is written.
Special Legacy
This decides a specific property of the estate to be donated. As the property is specified and bequeathed, the will is easily executed. On the other hand, if it takes a long time from the drawing up of the will to the inheritance, the bequest property could have been disposed of. In that case, the will becomes invalid. If the composition of the bequest property changes, the will has to be rewritten.
In order to convey your thoughts accurately, we recommend that you consult with a notary public or expert when preparing the will.
Donation from Inherited Property
If you make a donation to the I-House from the inherited Property, there is a special exception that the property donated and the money spent are not subject to inheritance tax.
Requirements for receiving this special exception
(i) The donated property must be property acquired by inheritance or bequest.
(ii) The inherited property must be donated by the deadline for filing the inheritance tax return.
Required documents to be submitted
(i) Inheritance tax return, Table 14
(ii) Official Receipt
(iii) A copy of the certificate indicating that the International House of Japan has been approved as a public interest incorporated foundation.
(We will send you (2) and (3) about a week after we receive the donation.)
In addition, even if your donation is exempt from inheritance tax, you may still be eligible for an income tax deduction for your donation. Please note that your donation will be listed in the donation statement in the I-House’s financial statements and will be used directly for the I-House’s public benefit purposes within two years from the date of receipt.
If you do not mind, we would like the person in charge to directly meet and talk to you. We would very much appreciate it if you could contact us below.
Tel: 81-3-3470-9115 (Mon.-Fri. 9am – 5pm)
Email: (please replace # with @)