Tax benefit
Tax benefit
Donations to I-House are eligible for a tax deduction in Japan. Please claim such a tax deduction at the local tax office by presenting a receipt and a copy of the certificate. If you are filing taxes in the United States and would like to receive the U.S. tax benefit, please consider donating to the I-House through the American Friends of International House of Japan, Inc.
1. Income Tax
Donations to the I-House are eligible for an income tax deduction. Please choose one of the two methods of “tax credit” or “income deduction” described below. Both a copy of the receipts issued by I-House and a certificate issued by the government are necessary when claiming such a tax deduction at the local tax office.
a. Tax Credit: Deduction from income tax
(Amount of donation – 2,000 yen) x 40% = amount of tax credit
The amount of tax credit is limited to the equivalent of 25% of your income tax.
b. Income Deduction: Deduction from taxable income
Amount of donation – 2,000 yen = amount of deduction from income
The amount of donation is limited to a total of 40% of gross income.
2. Furusato Donation through Minato Ward
If you make a donation to Minato Ward using the Furusato Donation system, your local tax burden will be reduced corresponding to the donation amount. Please specify “International House of Japan” on the application form and make the donation to Minato Ward by the end of December.
3. Bequeathment and inheritance
A bequest to the I-House will catalyze further dynamic growth and positive change in future
society. As there is a special provision that inheritance tax will not be levied on donated property, you can make your legacy live on in a more effective way. If you are kindly considering making a bequest, please feel free to contact us so that we can introduce financial institutions to provide professional advice.
4. For U.S. Residents
Your gift to I-House through the American Friends of I-House (AFIHJ) are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law in the U.S. AFIHJ will use your gift in line with its aims to assist I-House. There are several ways to make a donation, such as cash donations, bequests, retirement plan assets, and a gift from the estate.
Donations made by corporations to the I-House are deductible up to the following amounts, in addition to ordinary donations.
Maximum deductible amount of donations = (amount of capital, etc. x 0.375% + amount of income x 6.25%) ÷ 2
*The amount of capital, etc. refers to the total amount of capital and capital reserve.
The maximum deductible amount depends on the amount of capital and income of the corporation. To count your donation as a deduction, please state the amount of your donation on your tax return and submit a statement. A receipt of your donation should be kept on file along with a certificate that the I-House is a public interest incorporated foundation.
Please confirm with the nearest tax office, or a tax accountant.
Please contact us if you kindly consider making a contribution.
International House of Japan
Tel:03-3470-9115 (Mon.-Fri. 9 am – 5 pm)
E-mail: (please replace # with @)